I deviated from the architectural plans a bit throughout the construction of this dollhouse because I wanted to make it unique, and my own. This is very evident in some of the woodworking I've done as shown here. Again, I was inspired by Brian Longs book and added these wonderful wood accents. The brackets were drawn and then cut from wood doweling, and the wood eave extension that the brackets are supporting was also made from a dowel and then beaten up a bit to look old before it was stained. The roof edges were covered with decorative wood strips and they add a tremendous amount of character to the dollhouse. I really fell in love with this look! I also changed the support methods of the covered front porch from the original plans. The plans called for upside down newel posts and to me, this just looked too foo-fooey for a Tudor. So, I replaced them with square posts and brackets. Ahhh, much better!